Geo-Boomer 300-500
Versatile ultra-high resolution seismic source to be used in salt and freshwater environments.
The Geo-Boomer is an ultra high resolution seismic source, composed by a non-cavitating high quality transducer plate that can provide vertical resolution of 10 cm with a very simple setup. It also can promote signal penetration of up to 100 ms, depending on the energy level, the sub-bottom geology and the water depth.
The Geo-Boomer 300-500 has been designed and built by Geo Marine for operation with the Geo-Spark 1000 pulsed power supplies. It also comes our standard, Kevlar-reinforced, coaxial HV power / tow cable. A stainless steel Kellum grip is provided to attach the cable to the towing point. This dedicated cable is fully compatible with the Geo-Source sparker systems and contains four inner leads of 10 mm 2 (negative) and an outer braiding of 40 mm 2 (= ground).
The cable is designed to have a very low self-inductance to preserve the high dI/dt pulse output of the Geo-Spark power supply. Because of the cable’s coaxial structure, the electromagnetic emission is extremely low.
The source position and depth are adjustable, so the user can decide to prioritize vertical resolution or penetration and more weather resilience.
Operational Features
- ⟶ Specially designed for small vessel surveys.
- ⟶ Water depths from 2 to 150 m.
- ⟶ Special acoustic reflector above plate to ensure the constructive interference between the direct down going pulse and the reflected ghost.
- ⟶ Very stable lightweight towing structure that can be dismantled into four parts.
- ⟶ Electrically interrupted frame to eliminate loop currents and energy loss.
- ⟶ Can be used in marine and freshwater environment.
- ⟶ Ultra short single acoustic pulse <0.25 to 0.50 ms, depending on energy level.
- ⟶ Successfully employed in coastal engineering surveys, sand search, site and route surveys and many others.
- - Coastal engineering surveys
- - River waterways
- - Reservoirs
- - Site & Route Surveys
- - Small Vessel Surveys
- - Sand Search
Dimensions (cm) & Weight of the transducer plate and baffle
Plate: 40 (L) x 40 (W) x 8 (H)
Baffle: 50 (L) x 50 (W) x 10 (H)
Weight: 24.5 kg (water) / 39.5 kg (air) - Dimensions (cm) & Weight of the catamaran frame 55 (L) x 75 (W) x 105 (H) - 30 kg
- Maximum input voltage -5600 V
- Maximum input energy 2 shots of 500 J/s or 4 shots of 250 J/s
- Signature 2000 - 4000 Hz (varies with energy level)
Plate: Epoxy
Baffle: Polyacetal plus PU foam
Catamaran: Marine quality stainless steel 316, passivated, with aluminum anodes and electrically interrupted to eliminate induced loop currents in frame -
Better if used with
Geo-Spark 1000
Geo-Sense 8E single-channel Streamer
Geo-Sense 24 multi-channel streamer
Geo-POS - Recommended interface system Mini-Trace II or Multi-Trace Server